Environmental - Sustainability
Committee Chair: Patrick McMabell
The Northridge South Neighborhood Council Environmental – Sustainability Committee is committed to being your resource for sustainable living. We can show you where to find the products and services you need to save money and energy, while making your home or workplace more safe and comfortable. Our committee takes a “whole house” approach to Green Building, integrating Construction with Interior Design and Drought Tolerant Landscaping.
DWP Links:
Don’t forget the DPW watering rules! Water Conservation Info.
Residential: https://www.ladwp.com/ladwp/faces/ladwp/residential/r-savemoney/r-sm-rebatesandprograms
Commercial: https://www.ladwp.com/ladwp/faces/ladwp/commercial/c-savemoney/c-sm-rebatesandprograms
Food Forward – fruitanthropy: the picking, donating, or distributing of fruit for humanitarian purposes
Gen Green Life – Find the Green In Everything…Locally
Tree People – Environmental Nonprofit that Unites the Power of Trees, People & Technology
Thoedore Payne Foundation – Wildflowers & Native Plants
NOTE: The links on this webpage are to provide information about sustainability. As such, please be aware that: 1) The Neighborhood Council does not review, sponsor, or endorse any other website linked to its Neighborhood Council Digital Communications. The views and opinions of authors expressed on those websites do not necessarily state or reflect the opinion of the City and may not be quoted or reproduced for the purpose of stating or implying any endorsement or approval of any product, person, or service. 2) The Neighborhood Council is not responsible for content that appears on external links. 3) The Neighborhood Council is not responsible for and does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness, or security of any link, external website, or its content.